Ocean Conservancy
Class: Brand Experience Marketing
Insight/ Strategy: By the year 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. We need to show how imminent the threat of climate change is by bringing these realities above the surface and directly in the face of a target who feels like they don’t need to do anything. Our audience consists of millennials who don’t feel personally responsible to take action and are disillusioned with empty promises and inaction from government leaders.
Big Idea: We can change the tides.
The Activation

1. Partner with 5 major aquariums across the country to exhibot Aquariums full of trash. Realistic projections over the existing exhibits will to show visitors literally how plastic is overwhelming our aquatic populations.

2. The exhibit will expand to outside of the aquarium where 4 Sightseeing Telescopes pointing toward the water will show how pollution above the ocean surface is worsening each year up to 2050.

3. Ads placed OOH (along boardwalks + airplane banners over beaches) and on social medias (Ocean Conservancy + Aquariums)
- There is no longer plenty of fish in the sea
- Plastics are moving in, and fish can no longer pay rent
- You'll be swimming with more plastic than fish in 30 years
4. Guerilla marketing stickers over existing street plaques