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*Awarded runner-up for Young Shits Sep-Oct 2020 Brief*
Partner: Angie Wijaya
Ask: To inspire younger generations to become teachers while adapting our education system for the current pandemic and modern student.
Insight/ Strategy: Students benefit from having teachers who look like them. Black students who have even 1 black teacher by third grade are 13% more likely to enroll in college. However, while 8 in 10 public school students identify as a person of color, only about 1 in 5 teachers do. If you can see yourself in your teachers, you can see yourself as a teacher.
Big Idea: Reclaim the Classroom


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The “Ask a Teacher” button will be integrated to the Google homepage and will lead curious students to the Reclaim the Classroom microsite.

Here you can interact and read about the journeys of current working teachers.

The “Be a Teacher Quiz” helps students envision themselves down a potential path into teaching and provides next steps to achieve it!

The “Ask a Teacher” button will be integrated to the Google homepage and will lead curious students to the Reclaim the Classroom microsite.
Google Microsite